What everybody ought to know about decluttering but FAILS to ask
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About Andrea

Hi, my name is Andrea and I am the CEO and Co-Founder of Declutters Delight for Life. I've written a book called "It's About Clutter, The Who, The Why and How." 

My Story

My life has been difficult from the time of childhood, dealing with childhood sexual abuse, to the time of having been injured on the job by an inmate, to having to deal with several car accidents in my life, to recently having a boyfriend with cancer and several hernia operations. I've had several things throughout my life that have been difficult. Also, lost 360 lbs. and former hoarder turned Declutter of my life in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
One of the things that has always separated me out is I've always been able to develop programs and things that help people, including myself.
These programs include an advocacy training program developed to help mental health consumers, which is now going to be used by medical schools throughout the United States.

I have also developed a program for mental health consumers to be a peer support specialist program which is now used nationwide.
Currently, I am working on programs that will help hoarders on their Transformational Pathway and opportunities for personal growth of other people difficulties in their lives.

My company, Declutters Delight for Life, was born out of my spirituality to help other hoarders. I welcome you to be part of this great transformational opportunity. My programs are developed from real life experience, not out of theory. Because, I believe that experience is a great teacher in life.

I can't wait to work with you, Andrea

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